How much time do you spend admiring someone else's hair? Do you constantly stalk their blogs/vlogs/tumblrs and photo albums to see what they are doing next with their hair? Do you find yourself wishing you had their hair texture, or their length?
After being natural for almost 4 years, I noticed a few things about myself and other women. We are ALWAYS wishing we had someone else's hair. It's always "I wish I had her texture" or " I wish my hair did that"
There isn't anything wrong with admiring someone else's hair, but sometimes we are so busy looking at other people's manes that we forget about whats growing out of our own head. Today I challenge you to take the time out to admire your own hair texture and your own length as much as you do others. After all, someone is out there admiring and wishing that they had your hair.
So true. Nice post